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Kiwi . 0.5 kg

Kiwi . 0.5 kg


Kiwi is a bittersweet fruit that should be consumed in natura after removing the skin. It has a high level of vitamin C (almost twice as much as an orange), and is a source of magnesium, potassium and protein. Due to its  nutritional properties, regular consumption can help prevent constipation, reduce cholesterol, decrease the chances of colon cancer and even increase the body's defenses.

Because it contains fiber, vitamin K, A, E and B6, kiwi is also beneficial for the proper functioning of the intestine and increases the feeling of satiety, according to Diego Ricardo, coordinator of the Uninassau Nutrition course - Maurício de Nassau Recife University Center - Graças campus. “It is recommended to consume one unit of fruit a day, or two or three times a week, alternating with others. There is also a study that linked the consumption of three units of kiwi per day in the reduction of blood pressure. But the interesting thing is to look for a professional nutritionist to make an evaluation and a food plan”, he teaches.

What is kiwi?

Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of flavor and lots of vitamins, minerals and powerful plant compounds. They are sweet, easy to eat and highly nutritious. Plus, these little fruits offer some pretty impressive health benefits. They are a type of fruit native to the mountains and slopes of southwest China.

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Today, it is grown in many other areas of the world, including New Zealand, which is a leading producer. The fruit was first brought there in 1904 by a teacher named Isabel Fraser, who brought seeds home from traveling in China. Known as the Chinese gooseberry, it was given the name “kiwi” by New Zealand fruit exporters thanks to the flightless birds of the same name that are endemic to that country.

Botanically, kiwis are classified as berries. Actinidiaólica e A. chinensis are the two most consumed species. The Hayward kiwifruit is green and named after a man named Hayward Wright, who popularized kiwifruit in New Zealand in the 1920s. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_large. They have fuzzy brown skin, green "flesh" and small black seeds. Kiwis also come in yellow or golden fleshed varieties (A. chinensis). The difference between green-fleshed and yellow-fleshed ones is that the former contain a green pigment called chlorophyll, while the yellow ones do not.

The skin of most kiwi varieties must be peeled before consumption. However, some people like to eat the rind of golden or yellow varieties because it is softer than that of unripe kiwis.


Kiwis have an impressive nutritional profile. Here is the nutritional breakdown of a 100 gram serving of a raw green kiwi:

-Calories: 64

-Carbs: 14 grams

-Fiber: 3 grams

-Fat: 0.44 grams

-Protein: 1 gram

-Vitamin C: 83% of the Daily Value (DV)

-Vitamin E: 9% of the DV

-Vitamin K: 34% of the DV

-Folate: 7% of the DV

-Copper: 15% of the DV

-Potassium: 4% of the DV

-Magnesium: 4% of the DV

Kiwis are exceptionally rich in vitamin C, with 100 grams providing over 80% of the average daily requirement for this nutrient, which functions as a powerful antioxidant in the body, protecting cells against oxidative damage. It is also involved in immune function and your body needs it to produce collagen and neurotransmitters. In addition, the fruit contains potassium, copper, vitamin K, folate and vitamin E, a fat-soluble nutrient that has antioxidant effects and plays an important role in immune health. Kiwis are low in calories, protein and fat, and are a good source of fiber.

kiwi benefits

According to research resultsa, kiwifruit can benefit health in the following ways:

1. Excellent source of beneficial plant compounds

In addition to containing the antioxidant nutrients vitamin C and vitamin E, kiwis are an excellent source of plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body. For example, kiwis contain carotenoids, which have health-promoting properties. These compounds include: lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. Studies show that diets rich in carotenoids can help protect against certain health conditions, including heart disease.

A review of 69 studies found that higher dietary intakes and higher blood concentrations of carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E were associated with a lower risk of heart disease, total cancer, and death from all causes. Kiwis are rich in all these nutrients. Additionally, a study  that included data from more than 17,000 adults found that those whose diets were high in total carotenoids had a lower risk of depressive symptoms. Kiwis also contain polyphenolic compounds such as caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, which exert anti-inflammatory effects in the gut and throughout the body. Some research suggests that the total antioxidant capacity of kiwis is greater than many popular fruits, including apples, grapefruits and pears.

2. May benefit heart health

Consuming a diet rich in vegetables and fruits like kiwi is a smart way to support heart health. Studies show that eating the fruit can help reduce certain risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure. One study looked at the effects of eating kiwifruit or apples on 118 people with normal to high blood pressure, or stage one high blood pressure.

Those who ate three kiwis a day for eight weeks had lower blood pressure at the end of the intervention compared to those who ate an apple a day. 102 men who smoked had participants eat three kiwis a day for eight weeks. Those who did this had reductions in  blood pressure  and platelet aggregation (clumping together of platelets in the blood), compared to a control group.

Platelet hyperactivity can increase the risk of heart disease  because platelets can stick to blood vessel walls. When this happens, the condition is known as atherosclerosis. People who smoke are at greater risk for these plaques to build up, so eating kiwi may help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis in this population. Additionally, some studies have shown that eating kiwi can help lower total cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase heart-protective HDL (good) cholesterol. 

3. Benefits digestive health

Kiwis contain both insoluble and soluble fiber. Studies show that they contain about one-third soluble fiber and two-thirds insoluble fiber. Soluble can benefit blood sugar regulation and heart health, and help maintain healthy gut bacteria, while insoluble can help maintain regular bowel movements. The fiber found in kiwi can hold water and bloat more than other types of fiber, such as apple fiber and wheat bran, which means it's a good choice for improving stool consistency and decreasing the time it takes for food. pass through the digestive system.

Because of these qualities, kiwis can be a good choice for people who have restrained intestines. In fact, a study in 79 people with chronic constipation found that eating two kiwis a day for four weeks helped improve stool consistency and frequency and lessened straining during bowel movements. Furthermore, more participants were satisfied with the kiwi treatment compared with consuming de psyllium  husk or prunes. The kiwifruit treatment was also associated with the lowest rate of adverse side effects of the three treatments.

4. Excellent Vitamin C

Kiwis are exceptionally rich in vi

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